Nicoa Garrett is an author, entrepreneur, mentor, educator, motivational speaker and evangelist.  She graduated from Temple University with a B.A. in Criminal Justice.  She received her M.A. from Webster University in Information Management & Technology.  She is currently pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Organizational Leadership & Conflict Resolution. She brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, information and wisdom to anyone in need of help.

Her passion is to influence, affect change, build communities and motivate men and women to deliberate successful action. Her personal motto is to be your own B.O.S.S (Builder, Overcomer, Strong and Successful).  Her purpose is to empower others to bring their visions into reality.

More importantly, she has been married to the love of her life for 16 years.  They have two wonderful little girls who keep them bursting with joy and laughter...never a dull moment!


"influential, affecting change & motivating others to deliberate action"

team b.o.s.s.

Nicoa Garrett


Denise DeLavallade, Tori Adams, Quandra Johnson and Lorie Turney work together as a team with great expectancy.  They believe every person has the ability to be:

Tenacious - holding fast , characterized by keeping a firm hold. Not easily stopped or pulled apart, adhering to closely.

Expectation - A strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.

Avails - Produces a desired result.

Much - A large amount.

As a result of their efforts,  they have become B.O.S.S.!